E International Health

Health & Medical News

How Kratom Fought the Law and Won

Summary: Kratom, known to be a mysterious painkiller by many, has taken center stage in the fight for a safe alternative to opioids.

Kratom, the Southeast Asian plant that’s gaining ground in the US due to its opioid-like similarities, was once smack dab in the middle of a legal battle over whether it was a threat to public safety. Now, the DEA originally looked to utilize a regulatory system to place it in the same categories as heroin and LSD and considered it a dangerous drug with no redeeming medical value. However, kratom has shown that it can be beneficial for those that suffer from chronic pain or endometriosis.

Taking on the System

Right when most kratom users began thinking the battle was over, something unbelievable happened. The American Kratom Association (AKA) suddenly raised a substantial amount of money (over $40,000) to fund lawyers and lobbyists to help them fight the legal battle and get Congress on their side. What happened next was something so unplanned, it shocked millions.

The DEA was handed a letter from conservative and liberal representatives stating that kratom use was indeed deemed a safe alternative to prescription opioids. The letter worked and put the DEA at a standstill. This allowed a variety of entrepreneurs like Sebastian Guthery to put a stake into the kratom business and created numerous investment opportunities.

The People Love Kratom

With such a wide array of people using kratom as a pain reliever, it just goes to show that the public outcry can indeed work as it showed in the kratom case. Kratom users that have taken it have claimed that it works as an antidepressant or as a medical alternative to wean off opioids or alcohol. People have stated that kratom has saved their lives. Rather than using it as a recreational drug, kratom doesn’t make users feel stoned or high like marijuana. In other words, it doesn’t allow you to escape from your problems, but rather gives you the boost you need to face them.



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