E International Health

Health & Medical News

Nature’s best to help bring relief from constipation

Article written by Coleanse Diet. Cape aloe gel and latex are used in many medicinal preparations that bring relief from constipation to itching. Proven supplement, Coleanse, contain dried and powdered inner gel of Cape aloe.

Cape aloe is also known as Aloe ferox, bitter aloe, red aloe and Tap aloe and hails from the rocky hills of South Africa. This tall, single stem plant can grow up to 10 feet in height and produces a gel as well as latex. Gel is found in the inner part of the leaf and it is a clear, jelly-like substance. Latex comes from just under the skin and it is yellow in color. Both gel and latex are used in many medicinal preparations and topical applications. Sometimes the entire plant is crushed and used in many preparations so that the user gets benefits of both gel and latex.

Products made of Cape aloe is known to bring relief from osteoarthritis, bowel diseases including ulcerative colitis, fever, inflammation, stomach ulcers, diabetes, asthma, and itching. Topical applications include healing of burns, sunburn, frostbite, psoriasis, and cold sores. Researchers find that gel helps to increase circulation in very small blood vessels in the skin and help to speed the healing of wounds. Coleanse Pills contain dried and powdered Cape aloe in its product.


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