Month: June 2019

  • How Kratom Fought the Law and Won

    How Kratom Fought the Law and Won

    Summary: Kratom, known to be a mysterious painkiller by many, has taken center stage in the fight for a safe alternative to opioids. Kratom, the Southeast Asian plant that’s gaining ground in the US due to its opioid-like similarities, was once smack dab in the middle of a legal battle over whether it was a…

  • How you can deal with fatigue

    How you can deal with fatigue

    Guest post is provided by Coleanse. Eating and sleeping habits as well as lack of exercises contributes to the tired feeling. Safe and effective colon cleanser such as Coleanse Diet can store optimum efficiency of your colon and reinvigorate your body. Simply put, feeling tired or fatigued is lack of energy in your body or…

  • Causes of Varicose Veins & Remedies

    Causes of Varicose Veins & Remedies

    Article written by Great Drugs Pharmacy Varicose veins is a condition in which the veins become enlarged or dilated or thickened, thus affecting the circulation of the blood within the body. Symptoms of varicose veins including swelling along the course of the vein accompanied with muscular cramps, tiredness in legs and behind the knees. In…