Category: Health
Focus on Your Feelings and Not Your Words
Written by Dr. Eric Amidi. You’ve heard the expression “a picture is worth a thousand words.” When it comes to the Law of Attraction, something similar is true: a thousand words don’t mean as much as your feelings. This is because while going through the process of visualization in order to manifest wealth and happiness…
Diarrhea, affects everyone
Article written by Coleanse. Diarrhea can be caused by many reasons and continued condition should require attention from a medical specialist. Coleanse Diet made of all natural ingredients aimed at maintaining your digestive system and to avoid conditions such as diarrhea. It is a subject many want to avoid talking about. But diarrhea affects many…
Vitamins and flavonoids to boost immune system
Article written by Cellan Diet Pills. Countless number of supplements is available for one to choose to address specific immune deficiencies. Cellan Diet contains vitamins, flavonoid and other proven natural ingredients to boost immune system. Your immune system is the first line of defense against many different harmful invaders that affect your body. These invaders…
Tips for a Warmer Bedroom
It can be easy for the chill of the night to make the bedroom a cold and uncomfortable place to sleep in. To enhance the comfort of your room and make it a more enjoyable environment that feels inviting, there are a few ways to create a warmer space that truly feels like home. Duvet…
Inflammatory conditions in the digestive tract may affect more in developed countries
Article written by Coleanse Diet Pills. Inflammatory bowel disease refers to a group of conditions that affects the digestive tract. Crohn’s and colitis are two main conditions and a supplement such as Coleanse made of natural ingredients may help to keep your colon functioning efficiently and avoid inflammation. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is commonly used…
Let leptin communicate with your brain
Article written by Cellan. Leptin, a digestive hormone made in fat cells was discovered in 1994 and it helps you to communicate with your brain. Together, you can control your appetite and lose weight. Cellan Diet Pills helps to maintain optimum leptin level and improve digestion while helping you to lose weight. Appetite suppression is…
Pay attention to the labelling of a supplement
Article written by Cellan Diet Pills. The FDA regulations require supplements to post name, address of the manufacturer, list of ingredients including active ingredients, and dosage information. Cellan Diet contains African mango, EGCG and many others. Plant based products are not new and the history shows humans have been using them in many ways for…
What Stops You From Getting a Good Night of Sleep
A night of great sleep gets harder to come by as we age, our bedding is just one of a number of reasons why. Stress is a major contributor, but there are factors in the bedroom itself that cause us to toss and turn ourselves out of deep sleep. If you want a better night…
Micronutrients and your immune system
Article written by Cellan Diet. Deficiencies of micronutrients such as vitamins, zinc, selenium, copper and folic acid could lead to immune health issues and supplements such as Cellan Diet Pills that contains all natural ingredients and rich in micronutrients could boost your immune system. It is accepted beliefs that people live in poverty are deficient…
Dietary fiber to help leptin level in your body
Guest post is provided by Cellan. Stored fat add to your body weight and dietary fiber can help to remove fat from your body while making enough leptin during the process. Cellan Diet Pills contain both types of fiber to help you. How leptin generated and acted in your body is well documented. Leptin is…