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An Inside Look on How Massage Therapy Affects Parkinson’s Disease

Article by Herb Kimble.

Summary: One type of alternate therapy common with patients that have Parkinson’s Disease is massage therapy.

Parkinson’s disease, a degenerative central nervous system disorder, has been plaguing roughly one in 1,00 people in the United States. Parkinson’s disease is a dysfunction in the area of the brain that controls voluntary movement. Some common symptoms of this chronic disorder include bradykinesia, poor balance, difficulty walking, and tremors. Parkinson’s disease results from the degeneration of dopamine-producing nerve cells in the brain. Now, dopamine is a neurotransmitter that stimulates the nerves that control the body’s muscles. When dopamine production is depleted, the motor system nerves lose the ability to control movement and coordination. By the time symptoms appear, people that have Parkinson’s disease have lost over 80% of their dopamine-producing cells.

The Benefits of Receiving a Massage

The benefits of massage therapy for Parkinson’s disease have varied. Although, don’t count this treatment out just yet. Because this disease essentially causes muscle stiffness and rigidity, the body’s ability to alleviate joint and muscle stiffness would be the most logical choice. Massage therapy does just that. Remember, as long as the patient has sensation in the area where he or she is receiving the massage, it’s relatively safe.

Patient-Therapist Communication

Now communication with a patient throughout the therapy will ensure a positive experience. However, it’s important that these therapists understand a variety of factors before starting the session. First off, Parkinson’s disease cannot be resolved through massage therapy. So, while searching for an Asian massage parlor might sound appealing for a family member due to the cheap prices, know that it’s only temporarily relieving.

The therapist must also work in cooperation with the patient’s primary care physician as the massage may impact the need for medication. This is a crucial step as there may be techniques used by the therapist that could hurt the patient as opposed to helping him or her. Now, since uncontrolled movement is characteristic of Parkinson’s disease. So, the therapist must be able to assist the patient when getting on and off the massage table. Therapists must also take extra precautionary measures to ensure the client is safe and sound.
If you’re searching for a massage therapy business, it’s important to always compare around for not only the best price, but for outstanding reviews. After all, the patient with Parkinson’s must be in good hands. Many spas provide a variety of massage techniques that vary based on the patient.



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